Dian Shi Arts Centre was founded in 2001 by Professor Patrick Chen, who is a devoted educator and an internationally acclaimed artist. Dian Shi is a space that fosters arts education and exhibition. Each student receives a personalized learning plan tailored to their individual study and career objectives. Time and time again, Dian Shi has guided its students to win art competitions and gain admission to their dream colleges and design programs. 

點石畫苑由著名教育家、畫家、設計家陳學文 (Patrick Chen) 教授於2001年創辦,是一個集教學、展示為一體的藝術空間。

在點石,每一個學員都有一套完善的教學計劃,全程助力學生報考美術學院及設計名校,每年在準備 Art Portfolio 的學生都會按照自己的意願,擇其理想的專業(繪畫、插圖、動畫、平面設計、建築設計、室內設計、環境藝術設計、時裝設計、珠寶設計、廣告設計、工業產品設計等),考入理想的世界名校。點石畫苑堅持分類推進、專項指導、打造精品、創造高端、成就學生的教學理念。學美術,來點石。拿offer, 來點石。在點石,離成功只有一步之遙。

Courses / 課程一覽表

  • Classes include (but not limited to):

    • Painting, Sketching, Life Drawing, Acrylic, Watercolor, Airbrushing, Modern Chinese Painting, Graphic Design, Fashion Design, Architectural Interior and Exterior Design, and other portfolios required by universities and other arts-related programs.

  • 素描、速寫、肖像、模特寫生、水彩、水粉、人體、油畫、丙烯畫、噴筆畫、現代彩墨、實驗繪畫 、抽象繪畫

  • 平面廣告設計(Project, Poster)、標誌設計、構成設計、手繪建築效果圖渲染、室内設計效果圖渲染、時裝設計效果圖表現

  • 升入大學作品準備及進入各級學校的作品準備 (Art Portfolio)